
Friday, August 16, 2019

Sunday Post 311

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
I just want to say I really enjoyed everyone sharing their summer memories last week on my Sunday Post. I had reminisced about a favorite memory of mine and had asked what some of your favorite memories were, and so many of you responded. I appreciate you all sharing. And in other news I finally finished Big Little Lies. Amazing, I know.  

The big news this week (for me, anyway) is that I finally wrote a Movies That Suck post. Yes, one is coming this week. However I'm sorry to report that my first choice of movies- The Lost Continent- is sadly unavailable. Or, rather, it's available but super pricy, considering it's out of print basically. But just so you can see what you're missing, here you go. .       

A shame, right? I mean that is tailor made for Movies That Suck. Never fear, however, if I ever manage to snag a copy of that bad boy I'll be sharing it. Okay, so I had to look elsewhere. And I came up with... Dragonslayer! Yes, that little gem is getting the Movies That Suck treatment this week. Enjoy... or whatever. 

In other other news I found an awesome short film this week based on Lord of the Rings. Honestly, this is GOOD. I actually found two of these things- the other one is below - and while both are good, this one is phenomenal. Seriously, give it a try.


In the WoodsSomeone We Know

Song of the week 


Image result for if worlds of science fiction


Wilder Girls


This is that other short film I was referring to. Seriously, the acting (and the actors, frankly) are on point in this. I thought I'd try a few minutes of it and ended up watching the whole thing!  


  1. Dragonslayer! I saw it at the drive-in with my parents and brother when it came out. I can't believe I remember that . . . Actually what I remember is my little brother flirting with these two teen girls in the truck next to us. My brother was all of 4 or 5 back then. Haha

    I hope you enjoy Wilder Girls. I am curious about that one.

    Beautiful artwork. The first of the raft ones is gorgeous.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Greg!

    1. Right? Should fun. And that's funny! I remember the drive-in- vaguely.

      I like those too. :) The middle one for me was my fave- something about the sky, it just looked real!

  2. I can't say I've ever heard of Dragonslayer so looking forward to reading your post about it.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. You too! And thanks- I hope it's fun to read. :)

  3. Haha, I love that there are movies tailored made for your Movies That Suck feature. You're right though, and what a shame the movie is pricey, because that's definitely one I'd love get the MTS treatment. Great art pics this week too, love the gloomy ominous feel of a lot of these.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I agree- I SO want to review that one. I'm miffed it's like $60 or something used on Amazon. Oh well- I just thought of a few more MTS candidates today, so I think I have some good coming up lol.

  4. Those are some funky looking books

  5. Looking forward to the Dragonslayer post. I always enjoy your Movies That Suck commentary. :)

  6. I look forward to your Movies that Suck post.
    And, as usual, I am totally in awe of all the magnificent artwork that you find to display. it staggers me the amount of talent out there.
    Lynn :D

  7. Always love your Movies that Suck posts so much! Hope you're having an amazing weekend! Hugs, RO

  8. I've seen so many bad films in my time that I could fill a whole blog about them!!!

  9. I missed your post last week so one of my favorite summer memories is going to the beach with my extended family, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and being so waterlogged, I could still feel the ocean waves as I tried to go to sleep at night. Lol. Lots of boogey boarding!

  10. Dragon slayer sounds like it's going to be a great Movies that Suck! I'll be tuning in for sure😁

  11. I would love to start Big Little Lies. It looks really good! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  12. I remember really liking Dragonslayer when I was younger. I think there were a ton of films like that, which came out about the same time, and I watched them all.

  13. I don't think I've ever heard of Dragonslayer but it already sounds like something my husband would love and I would... not. LOL!

  14. Okay that horse with the faces is TERRIFYING and I am pretty sure Lincoln rode it in S1 or something. Or at least, should have. Also I'm cackling at your Movies That Suck "enjoy... or whatever" bwhahah. Super sad about missing The Lost Continent- I didn't think it could be *that* bad but I literally snorted when I saw the trailer 😂😂😂 The gunshot wound on fire!? I am DYING. I mean, I guess it's obvious why it is no longer in production but WOW they should have done you a solid and let you rewatch this mess. For like, the sake of humanity or something.

  15. I look forward to reading your Movies that Suck posts. The Wilder Girls looks interesting. Hope you have a great week!

  16. Listen here buddy, I am really trying to not request any more library books now that school has started up again. But between you and Judy posting about fiction that looks amazing, that's never going to happen!!! :)

  17. I've heard such great things about Little Big Lies, and I really want to see it! I can't wait to see what movies make your movies that suck list. Great visual art pics! I hope you have a great week Greg :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  18. I think I've seen Dragonslayer. I'll have to go look it up, but I'm almost sure. Wondering what you thought of Big Little Lies. Not sure I want to do the 2nd season. Oh, a Lord of the Rings film? I'll have to check that out! :)

  19. I'm not going to lie, both choices for your Movies that Suck post I've never heard of it. I'll be interested to see your thoughts on Dragonslayer though. And I've still not even watched all of season 1 of Big Little Lies. I just keep getting distracted by other stuff!

  20. Hihi, seems half of your work for your Movies that Suck post is already done *lol* Your choices are totally new to me, though. Hope you´ll have fun while writing your post.

  21. To bad that lovely movie isn't available to Have fun with Dragonslayer! In the Woods and Someone We Know look like they could be good!

    Have a great day and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  22. Dragonslayer!! I think i remember that one! I haven't thought about it in years. Have a great week!

  23. That's a bummer about The Lost Continent but I will definitely look forward to your post for Dragonslayer!

  24. Wasn't Big Little Lies so good?! I need another season definitely. I've never seen Dragonslayer or The Hunt for Gollum myself. Have a great week ahead!

  25. Aw, I missed out last weekend since I was having to get the whole house and the kids ready for back to school.

  26. I am not sure if I have seen Dragonslayer or not. Sometimes those old movies are really pricey. I wanted my daughter to watch a movie I used to enjoy but didn't want to pay the prices when I actually looked for it. Hope you have a great week!

  27. I’m one of the few that wasn’t impressed by Big Little Lies (too Americanised for me) so I haven’t bothered with the second season yet. I’ll probably get to it eventually. The Lost Continent sounds vaguely familiar.

    Have a great reading & watching week:)

  28. I don't think I've ever heard of Dragonslayer so I'll be sure to stop by and educate myself! :)

    I've yet to watch Big Little Lies... I'm torn as to whether it's something I'm interested in watching because I want to or because everyone is talking about it so part of me feels like I need to.

  29. I tried watching The Lord of the Rings movies and just couldn't get into them. I don't know what it was about them but I stopped halfway through the first movie. I found it soooo boring. Maybe one day I'll revisit the movies and try again.

  30. Greg this is great that you had many memories to read! And enjoy Wild Girls!!I won't dare reading it as there is a horror element...

  31. Thanks for the ambient. 🎧

    I will be looking out for what you think of Wilder Girls because it has really been getting mixed reviews. 📚

    Dragonslayer! I love that movie. I saw it in the theater with my college housemate and then took my little sister. It was one of those movies that I would watch every time I saw it was on TV. 🐲

    I will definitely be watching those LotR movie shorts, and the raft images are wonderful. 👍✨

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  32. Too bad about Lost Continents. It does sound perfect but I don't think I'd want to spend some real money on it! The LoTR movie shorts look interesting. I'll have to watch the when I have just a bit more time. Have a great week!

  33. I've really been enjoying your music posts. So much fun revisiting some of them. Once again, some stunning artwork here!

  34. I can't wait to see your movies that suck post! I've missed those! I want to watch that LotR short but I'm scared?? XD I can't wait to see what you think of Wilder Girls! I loved that one!

  35. I'm still waiting to read the book Big Little Lies before watching the series. I know I sounds crazy but I still always like to read the books before watching the movies. Your post reminded me to jump on the bandwagon!

  36. I'll definitely be watching The Hunt for Gollum! It's been ages since I read/watched LOTR, so I definitely need to remedy that soon. I haven't watched Big Little Lies, but I've heard it's trippy. Can't wait to read your review for Wilder Girls!! That ending, right??

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  37. Love the great artwork this week. I always enjoy visiting your blog to see what's up. Have a nice week.

  38. Love how you relish movies that suck! I watch very few movies - quite poor really my viewing. I did recently watch something called The Book Club with what I thought would be good actors, but it sucked and I only half watched it!

  39. I'm glad you also enjoyed Big Little Lies.

    I liked thinking of summer memories. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  40. I'm definitely going to have to watch those LOTR shorts! I need to find Dragonslayer, that looks like I would enjoy it. I love old fantasy movies, because they are either pretty awesome or so bad it's good.

    I hope you have a good week!

  41. Oooo I love the cover for In the Woods!! I will have to check it out. :) And Dragonslayer..sounds familiar to me.

    Have a great one!

  42. Not being a fan of Wilder Girls, I'll be interested to read your review on that one! Love your bad movie post idea. Have a great week!

  43. Yeah for another Movies that Suck Post! Yes, the Lost Continent looks perfect for your posts, hope you can snag it at some point. Loved all the pics, but the last one with the colorful sunset was my favorite. Here we go into the final two weeks of summer!

  44. I want to watch Big Little Lies! Someone We Know looks good, I like that author. We are enjoying our last week before school starts.

  45. I'll have to come back and watch that LotR film later when I have more time (it's short, but not THAT short). I love it when you stumble across a gem like that without ever planning to!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  46. Cyberpunk City is my fav. this week. Yay on finishing Big Little Lies. I'm going to watch both LORT shorts tonight. Thanks for the heads up.

  47. Ooh, I'm going to have to watch those short films! Thanks for sharing. :)
