
Friday, February 2, 2018

Sunday Post #231

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
How exactly is it February already? But if it brings spring closer then I'm all for it. :) I had a pretty good reading week and finished up Bad Girls with Perfect Faces (love that title). January was a good month for me, I read 5 books, and they were all good to varying degrees.  

Last week I reviewed The Extinction Trials and Star Wars Heir to the Jedi- both good reads. The Extinction Trials I'm especially excited about- the sequel is due in June so it's not far away, and for a fairly fluffy YA book I really enjoyed it. And my discussion post this past week was all about headcanon- you know, our own personal versions of a fandom.     

This week I'm covering The Woman in the Window and The Wolves of Winter will be up next Monday (it was awesome BTW). Hope everyone has an awesome week!    

The Woman in the WindowThe Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)Heir to the Jedi (Star Wars)Bad Girls with Perfect FacesThe Wolves of Winter

Song of the week 


Related image


What Alice Knew



  1. Dang lots of badass ladies in the art pieces this week. I LOVE Brynhildr and that mermaid is creepy and awesome at the same time!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Lots this week! :) I thought Brynhildr was awesome!

  2. I will be interested in what you think of Vault of Dreamers, I DNFed it and the girl I sent it to, who chose it from a giveaway stack I had on Twitter, ended up DNFing it, too. I felt bad, so I sent her another book. Ha ha. 😂

    I love that dystopic city scene! I was meant to live in New York City in my heart. It used to not matter much because it is so close that I spent about 50% of my time there when I was younger anyway, but now... the bus ride nearly kills me. It is idiotic, especially with all the SUNY students, that they have not reopened the passenger train line they closed in the sixties. Dumb. 😢

    I have already started charting Pink Panther for one of my Martini Metals. Now I need to figure out the stupid drum tracking program, heh, my son's percussion knowledge isn't even helping us, we need a computer tech. 😂

    I hope spring comes early. My grandmother's birthday was the first week of March and I remember there usually being a ton of snow on the ground on that day. Here's to a fabulous February! 🌞

    1. Ha ha well hopefully I like Vault of dreamers better! I'm a few chapters in and it's okay so far.

      I love that scene too- really gets you thinkin. And I feel like Pink Panther and metal could go very well together??!?

      Here's to a great Feb for you too! I could use a little less snow!

  3. I am right there with you waiting for spring. It's so cold again and you know how I feel about weather that hurts my face. Can't wait to see what you thought of Bad Girls. It was so dark and twisted and I loved it.

    1. Yeah I'm not a fan of wintr at this point. It's been so cold here too that yes it's a pain even going out!

      Bad Girls was AMAZING! Oh my gosh I just finished it today and LOVED it.

  4. I am all for spring. Tired of the cold!!! I am listening to The Woman in the Window right now and not sure yet how I feel. Hope you have a great week!!

    1. I hope you like the Woman in the Window. It did take a bit to get going for me...

  5. I am officially ready for Spring. Me, the winter girl, wants spring or I'll even take temps in the mid 40's to 60's but 17 is shouldn't be legal!

    That image of New York is creepy and beautiful.

    I got to read two books in Jan...I am hoping feb is better, I am already 6 books behind on Goodreads and I am freaking out. lol

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Yes that is amazing if YOU'RE ready for spring lol. I usually like the cooler temps too but not this year!

      I like that New York one too- it IS creepy!

      Ah you'll be fine with Goodreads- you got lotsa time yet. :)

  6. This is the first year that I'll be happy when winter is over as these throid issues are making me feel cold, even when in a warm room. Gah! I'm usually such a winter person!

    1. Me too, I've been very cold this winter too. I don't normally mind it as much...

  7. I love the Agatha Christie artwork, it's quite different from everything else in your post😊 As always, I love all the artwork you shared.

  8. Wolves of Winter is the one I'm curious about. Love those Agatha illustrations. Happy reading ;-)

    1. The Wolves of Winter was quite good, I loved it!

  9. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on both The Woman in the Window and The Wolves of Winter. :)

    1. I liked both! The Woman in the Window has a nice noir, creepy feel (and a twist I did NOT see coming) and The Wolves of Winter honestly surprised me how much I liked it.

  10. I absolutely LOVE that first picture that you shared. There's definitely a good story behind that!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. I love the Agatha Christie pictures. I think I have an Agatha Christie book somewhere in my to-read stacks. I can't wait to read it (as soon as I find it!)

    1. I love those too, especially that first one. Just love the art style!

  12. I love the Agatha Christie pictures. Death on the Nile is one of my top 5 favorites. I can't wait to see what you thought of The Woman in the Window. Have a great week!

    1. Those are so cool, aren't they? I'd love to have versions with that artwork in them!

  13. Brynhildr has pants on, I approve. who wants to fight without those

  14. I really enjoy these Sunday posts of yours - they are never boring!

  15. She looks like a Medusa mermaid! You said you liked the title for Bad Girls with Perfect Faces, but did you like the book?! I need to know! Haha.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. She does! All those snakes... in fact I as thinking gorgon or medusa, but you're right, with the tail...

      Bad Girls ws AWESOME and twisted- I loved it! Just finished it today, maybe my favorite book so far this year?!?

  16. That is awesome you had a good reading week. I agree I am about ready for spring.

    Happy Reading
    JoLee @ Wickedly Delicious Book Blog

  17. I love that Walking House picture. Isn’t there a Russian fairytale about a house with chicken feet? I don’t know, but it’s cool. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  18. I kind of wish I could just hibernate and wake up in May. More snow is on the way tonight and then ice and snow on Tuesday night :(

    I will have to check out your review of The Heir to the Jedi. It sounds good.

    Love the Agatha Christie artwork!

    1. It snowed here today so everything is white again...

  19. Yayyy I am so happy that it is getting closer to spring! So many good things this spring, plus just the fact that it is spring is good enough. Glad that all your books have been good, too. That's always a plus!

    The first picture of like, post-apoc NYC is so scarily plausible- like those "life after human" shows we talked about! And I definitely chuckled when it went from Stabby Vampire Couple to... well, what looked like the old couple from Gilligan's Island on the Agatha Christie cover, basically hahah.

    1. My last few books have been awesome! I think I mentioned on your blog that I finished Bad Girls today and it was AMAZING!

      Yes it totally looks like life after humans! And I know right? I seriously wondered if that transition would be a little jarring???

  20. I always wondered if The Maze Runner is a book I'm missing out on. I'll be looking forward to your review :) I love the artwork you showcased too!

    - Words With Verity

    1. Thanks! I wondered the same about The MAze Runner! Now I just need to find time to read it :)

  21. I am BEYOND ready for Spring! And I love all of the artwork you shared. Oh, and the pink panther theme kicks butt. That gets stuck in my head at the most random times. LOL.

    1. Yes! Give me all the spring lol. It's about time! And the Pink Panther theme is awesome, isn't it? And once I hear it it's almost impossible to get out of my head!

  22. Holy Crow, you found some great Pinterest pictures. I like this time of year because it's so cool. But this week has been in the 70's here in Vegas. I want the 50's back! The really hot weather will be here soon enough and I'm not looking forward to it. 117F is what we hit last year...that's brain boiling weather.

    1. Thanks! I would take 50's. And while I envy you your heat, I think 117 would definitely fry my brain!

  23. Headcanon? I've never heard of that term before. I'm going to have to Google it now to learn about it. I love the Agatha Christie pictures you included this week! What a great change of pace and I've always loved those different covers on reprints :) Stay warm, friend!! We're getting snow again :(

    1. Yes we are. It's all white here, has been snowing all day. Are you getting it on your side? And I know? I LOVED those Christie pics!

  24. Interesting visuals...I love that Walking House.

    I hope you enjoy The Woman in the Window. Thanks for sharing, and have a great week.

  25. Love the art, as always! Going to run over to check out your review of Extinction Trials :)

    Vani | Off-Color Lit

    1. I hope you get a chance to read it if it interests you :)

  26. I absolutely love the Agatha Christie-inspired art. Have a great week!

  27. Great books and pics, Greg. I'm really loving the pictures on board the ship and that wicked mermaid!

    My Sunday Post

  28. The Wolves of Winter looks interesting. Glad to hear it was great! Ah, the Pink Panther! Soooo, so funny. The originals of course. I love everything Agatha Christie so wonderful to see her old covers and other pics here! I can't believe it's February either. Time is going by too fast.

    1. Oh I loved the Wolves of winter. And yes that Pink Panther music is so good, but once I hear it it's in my head all day!

      Have you read Bad Girls With Perfect Faces? I just finished it and man, that was a trip!

  29. January felt like forever for me.
    I am getting The Extiction Trials for Valentien. Yeay me.

  30. You always find the coolest art to share with us! And the Pink Panther theme is awesome, too.
    I'm glad you had a good week, and also glad that we're stepping closer to spring, bit by bit.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading,.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie! I love the Pink Panther theme lol

      I'll take spring whenever it wants to get here!!

  31. I seriously can't wait for spring to arrive. It seems to be just Round the corner now though. I have What Alice Knew but haven't read it, despite good reviews.

  32. Those are some awesome images! Thanks for sharing. Book wise I've only read the Maze Runner but I hope you enjoy them all!

    1. Thanks Eve! I'm kinda looking forward to The Maze Runner :)

  33. I have The Woman in the Window on my wish list.I also love books that have wolves in the title :)

    1. The Woman in the Window was quite good, I thought!

  34. Can you imagine living in some of these worlds?! Just seems so fascinating. Glad you were ale to get some good books finished in January, and to more of the same this month. I agree - February sure got here very quickly. Keep taking care of yourself, Greg! P.s. - Any plans to watch Altered Carbon on Netflix? Hugs...and Happy Sunday! RO

    1. Oh my gosh January was an amazing reading month for me. The Wolves of Winter, Bad Girls... both were awesome. And I am watching Altered Carbon, but I'm only on episdoe 2. Are you watching?

  35. Glad to hear you had such a great reading week. And yes, I'm all for it being that much closer to Spring. I'm just so over winter at this point, lol. All of that artwork is stunning, especially the one that looks like New York but is in water and covered in lush greenery.

    1. I did, like two really good books! And I agree, I need spring NOW.

  36. Crazy that it's already February right? I'm still trying to think about what I did all month?
    I love the look of What Alice Knew.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

    1. I know. What Alice Knew was pretty good :)

  37. Sounds like you had a good reading month and yes, I'm ready for Spring too. I like the cover of Bad Girls with Perfect Faces. Enjoy your week!

  38. I'm so glad you got to read The Wolves of Winter! Wasn't that awesome? Only reason I didn't give it 5/5 was because I found it a bit depressing. Of course it would be though, because of the premise, ha! Anyway, that was talking about my enjoyment, not the writing quality.
    I also read Woman in the Window-- a good one for me, too.

    Where did Christmas go, lol? Now it's Valentine's Day almost. Sigh.....

    1. The Wolves of Winter was awesome, so true! I can see what you mean about the depressing vibe though- definitely. I think the bleak, snowy setting didn't help :)

      I know right? Christmas... :)

  39. AHH February!! How is it February already?! Time is insane.

    Looking forward to your review of The Woman in the Window. Really like the images you've shared this week, too :) So cool!

    1. I know!! Kinda crazy...

      The Woman in the Window was SO good!!

  40. Some great images this week! Love those Agatha Christie ones a lot.

  41. The Agatha Christie art are really nice! I really need to read more of her novels. I don't think I appreciated them as a kid.

  42. I love seeing the Agatha Christie art. I really should read one of her books. I love Trapped and The Walking House. That looks like a fun house to visit, but then I'm a tad odd. Hope you have a wonderful week Greg!

  43. Glad you had a great January. I love Winter but yeah I'm starting to hope for Spring to get here. :) Have a great week!

  44. I really need to check out the Star Wars books someday! Have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post !

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  45. I have The Maze Runner on my shelves just waiting to be read. I've actually seen the movie but want to read this book and then the others before moving on to the other movies. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on The Wolves of Winter AND The Woman in the Window :) Sounds like you've been reading some great books. Have a great week!

  46. I loved The Maze Runner. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Woman In The Window, i've been going back and forth about adding it to my TBR. Have you read any of the Star Wars books by Claudia Gray? I plan on reading them this year. Great artwork. Thanks for sharing!

    My STT

  47. I have Bad Girls so maybe I'll read that one soon. I saw on Twitter that you liked it.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  48. Ugh, why oh why did you have to draw my attention to Agatha Christie Folio Society editions?? Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Maze Runner. I found the movies much more enjoyable than the trilogy, but then the sequel also had Aidan Gillen! And your review of Wolves of Winter, too! I've seen some mixed opinions but it's always sounded interesting to me :)

  49. It seems like every year time moves just a bit quicker. Really hard to believe that we are already in February. I have Vault of Dreamers on my tbr so I am eager to see what you think of that one. Love all the photos :)

  50. Sounds like a good reading week indeed! I watched the Maze Runner movie, but haven't read the book.

    I always like seeing which images you pick for these posts! That walking house looks pretty cool!

    Have a great week!

  51. I want to try Vault of Dreamers but on audio. I saw someone said they DNFed it though. :( Nice photos and I hope you have a great week!

  52. I'm so curious about The Woman in the Window. I'm glad you had a nice reading month in January. I hope that trend continues.


  53. I'm so glad Jan is over. Lol. I STILL need to finish The Woman in the Window despite starting the arc months ago. I've heard it starts picking up in the second half. Truth? Happy reading!

  54. Love the artwork of the Wall and Eastwatch! Now I'm thinking about the Season 7 finale of GoT and what went down at the Wall and how loooong we're going to be waiting to find out what happens next, lol.

  55. Ask the groundhog and you get 6 more weeks of winter! LOL.

    Love the Agatha Christie images.

  56. So ready for spring too, especially after the six inches we got last night. I like the Walking House picture. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Woman in the Window. I think I have The Wolves of Winter coming on audio. Have a great week.

    1. Yes we got a lot of snow too. I hope you like Wolves of winter, I loved it (and how appropriate haha). The Woman in the Window was quite good too!

  57. Glad you had a good reading month :-) I did too! But I'm also ready for winter to be over. I'm tired of having to use a heater and having to check the weather all the time to see what the heck it's doing lol.

    1. I did! January really worked for me. :) And yeah just be glad you're not here- it's all white and COLD...

  58. I'm looking forward to reading your review of The Wolves of Winter. For some reason the book cover caught my eye and drew me in.

    1. I was the same way. the cover totally grabbed me! And it turned out to be quite good.

  59. I've been hearing a lot about The Wolves of Winter and The Woman in the Window. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

  60. Wolves of Winter is on my list too. I love the ice-wall images this week. And we had snow! I'm not expecting warmer weather any time soon.

  61. Spring can's come fast enough for me. Here in Minnesota, that's April. I haven't heard of Wolves of Winter but now I want to know more. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  62. Whoa, not sure what to think of all those coooool ladies. :-) And some of those books look good too.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  63. I am so for bringing on Spring! Some of your reads sound pretty good. I need to check out your review for The Woman in the Window as most people have enjoyed it though I have heard a few negative reviews. I am still patiently waiting for the library hold on that one to get to me. :)

    Have a great day!
    Week in Reviews

  64. I like the cover on Destination Unknown. Thanks for stopping by. This week's post

  65. Some really interesting reads here.

  66. Five books in January (with no duds) is great! I’m interested in seeing the new Maze Runner movie. I never read the books and have enjoyed the movies so far. My husband, who read the series, is a little more critical of them. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. LOL Love those Art Deco Agatha Christie prints. So classic.

  67. Honestly, where does the time go??? February is a short month too, so you know it's gonna go by so quickly. This winter has got me down and despite how good all this snow has been for my reading, I'm looking forward to the spring thaw. Bad Girls With Pretty Faces *is* a great title, and I'm loving that Agatha Christie cover too!

  68. When January first started, I was like oh boy, the start of a new year and a long month but yeah, I dunno where it went. Now it's February and I have a clock tickin' because I'm trying to finish my sweater by the 23rd and maybe a bear for Africa too.
    I like that Thor lookin' art. Is that hand-drawn or computer generated? My husband watched Thor: Ragnarok about five times already; he liked the comedy in it and he has a soft spot for Hulk; the Tsum Tsum has a special place on his desk. Glad you had a good reading week. I seem to have been going through books like water. I think I need to knit more. Have a good one.

  69. Oo that is a great title! And Wolves looks great!

    So Riverdale - It is getting strange! It is like there is this dark version of each character that we are seeing. And they have referenced Lovecraft a few times this season. I wonder if that is connected to the darkness, and what the end purpose is.

  70. Greg! Oh gosh, I'm so far behind! I've just drawn a line in the sand and kinda said right, I'm going to start afresh! I've missed stopping by your blog while I was away travelling and on blog hiatus!

    Interested to know what you think of Maze Runner!!!

    As usual I'm loving the graphics - Brynhildr looks a lot like Lagertha which also reminds me I haven't watched Vikings in too long.

    I LOVE the pics of the Wall and now I'm craving me some GoT. I just got the box set to date so I'm thinking that a re-read is very much in order ASAP.

    I hope you've been doing so well and I am looking forward to being able to visit more!

  71. The Extinction Trials is new to me but it looks and sounds really good! I'm glad you enjoyed it. OMG I love the artwork of the Walking House - that is so cool. 😍

    Have a lovely week, Greg! =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  72. Wolves of Winter looks like a great read! I have to get that one!

    Have a great week!

  73. I can't believe I am only getting around to commenting on this post now? I am still shocked we are in February and I feel like we're halfway through already and I don't know where that time went. I am glad we're slowly getting closer to spring and warmer weather. I am ready to not be freezing myself going to work each morning.
