
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top Ten Books I Meant To Read in 2016


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week was a tough topic because I had to go back and look at whatever I didn't get to in 2016 and I didn't really feel like doing that. But I scrounged some together and actually remembered some that had fallen off my radar. And a few of these weren't released in 2016 but they were on my list to read so I'm including them. 

The Wanderers (The Wanderers, #1)

Dead Girls Society

Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1)

Rising Tides

Child of a Hidden Sea (Hidden Sea Tales, #1)

Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, #1)

Menagerie (Menagerie, #1)


  1. The only one I'be heard of is Three Dark Crowns, which I need to read myself. But the cover for Ever the Hunted totally has me captivated! Love it. Great list, hope you get to these. My Top Ten

    1. I can't wait to read Three Dark crowns. :)

  2. I really want to read Three Dark Crowns soon! I can't wait to see your thoughts on the Mercy Thompson books. I hope you get to read all of these this year!

    My Top Ten

    1. I do too. And I'm looking forward to the Mercy thompson series!

  3. I heard good things about Ever the Hunted but my library doesn't have a copy yet which is probably why I didn't give it a try. I have heard Menagerie is really good too. I hope you enjoy these whenever you get the chance to read them.

  4. I have Three Dark Crowns from BEA calling me... haven't gotten to it. Mercy Thompson made my list too - though for the book that came out this year - I'm *almost* current. You'll love the series when you get to it :) Oh and Menagerie was good! You have until May when book 2 comes out for that one! It IS a painful process, isn't it? Realizing how many books you still haven't read :(

    1. I want to read Three Dark crowns so bad- I started reading it in the bookstore. And I'm hoping I'll love Mercy Thompson.

  5. Three Dark Crowns was on my list too!
    My TTT:

  6. I LOVE Moon Called! The Mercy Thompson books are in my top five urban fantasy series ever. Enjoyed the Alpha & Omega spin off series too.

  7. Ohh Menagerie is really good. Looking forward to reading the sequel. I've been trying to get to Moon Called for the last few months, believe it or not. I got about halfway until other books started calling my name. Lol.

    I hope you'll get to these books this year!

    1. Glad to hear! I'm looking forward to Menagerie- and Moon Called too!

  8. Great recommendations. Thanks!

  9. I'm interested in Three Dark Crowns and Ever the Hunted for sure. I'm going to add them to my TBR. Menagerie sounds like a good pick too. Great list!!

  10. Yes to Three Dark Crowns! Hope to get to that one soon! And I forgot about Ever The Hunted, but I'm really hoping to read that one soon too :)

    1. I hope to get to Three Dark Crowns sooner rather than later. :)

  11. I forgot all about Ever the Hunted - I really want to read this that in 2017. Great list!

  12. Dude! There are a lot of books in your list that I have in my TBR list, I wish I could be a very fast reader to read all the books I have!
    Thanks for stopping at our blog Greg!
    Check out out blog sometimes next week we will do a Valentine's giveaway.

    1. I know right? You are welcome! And thanks for the heads up- I'll check it out. :)

  13. Unsurprisingly, the covers on this are all terrific. I've never seen Ever The Hunted or Child of the Hidden Sea, but just the covers pull me in.

  14. Drop everything and read Menagerie now! Plus, add Certain Dark Things to this list as well :)

    1. Ha ha I want to! I think I'm going to have to move Menagerie up. :)

  15. I have way more than 10 books I didn't get to last year. A couple of these are on that list.

    1. Hope we both get to them as soon as possible!

  16. I really want to get to Three Dark Crowns too! It sounds so good.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I know. I started reading it at Barnes & Noble ha ha and I was hooked!

  17. The Wanderers and Menagerie are the two I most want to read! Although Child of a Hidden Sea is pretty high on my wishlist too!
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT

  18. Menagerie is one that I really want to read1 I need to get ahold of it. I liked the Dead Girls Society and Three Dark Crowns, hope you get to them soon!

  19. I'm intrigued by quite a few books on your list! I really hope that you like them! :-)

  20. Menagerie was one I wanted to read since it came out but yeah I still haven't gotten to it. Hope you get to all of these!!

    1. I totally forgot about it- hope to get to it soon!

  21. Dead Girls Society sounds like the perfect October read, might have to add it to my TBR later in the year. Great list!

    1. I think so! I wanted to read it last fall and never did...

  22. I've heard of Dead Girls Society and I own Three Dark Crowns but I haven't gotten around to them. I hope you get to all of these!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  23. I forgot about dead girls society and I have heard great things about three dark crowns I own it too so I need to get to it.

    Megan @reading away the days

  24. I love both Vincent and Brigg's series and really need to get to Three Dark Crowns

    1. I hope to read all of those hopefully soon!

  25. I really wanted to read Dead Girls Society as well! Sadly, I haven't had the chance yet to get it or read it. I hope you love all of these when you do get to them! 😀

    1. I don't own it yet but I want to get it. I hope it's good. :)

  26. I actually have Moon Called sitting on my bookcase somewhere - I won it in a giveaway several years back, and I've still yet to read it! So bad. I really want to read Menagerie, though! I love Rachel Vincent! I'm intrigued by Three Dark Crowns, looking forward to reading more reviews about it before deciding.

    Happy reading, when you finally get to all these books! :)

    1. I've been thinking about it for a long time, and just haven't gotten to it. Soon? As for Three Dark crowns, I know- I was undecided too. I started it at the bookstore and liked it, or at least the beginning- now I want to read it!

  27. Great list! Three Dark Crowns is another one I had really hoped to get to in 2016 but didn't.

  28. I remember seeing that intriguing "Child of a Hidden Sea" cover everywhere for a while but I'm not sure it made it onto my TBR. I'll have to fix that because I love a good story involving boats.

    Moon Called! Do it! I'm starting it tonight:0).

    1. I did too, and I think if I remember reviews were okay but not stellar. Then the next one came out and it seems like reviews have gotten better. So I'm in. :)

      Yay for Moon Called! I want to start it but I don't have it yet- I almost got it from the library but got something else. I'll get it soon though! Enjoy!!

  29. I was just looking at the list of books I didn't get to in 2016, and it was a pretty long list, LOL. Three Dark Crowns is definitely on my radar for this year, and Menagerie looks really, really good. Hope you get to all of these in 2017! :D

    1. I started Three Dark and liked it- so I'm pretty sure it will be a winner. I hope you like it if you try.

  30. I completely forgot about Menagerie! I have a NetGalley copy and I really need to try and read it, especially since a sequel is coming out this year, I think.

    1. I did too. For the longest time it slipped my mind, but now I want to go back and try it.

  31. I haven't read any of these books but remember seeing Three Dark Crowns and wanting to know more about it. Do you think you'll end up reading any of these missed opportunities? I hope you do.

    1. I hope so, I'm going to try and prioritize these (or some of them) and get read early this year?

  32. One of these days I'd love to start Child of a Hidden Sea. When it first came out it didn't really catch my interest, I admit. But reviews for the second and third books have been very positive, and now I'm pretty curious.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Same here. And same about the reviews- plus a fantasy world with an archipelago if I'm not mistaken, which intrigues me. I hope it's great!

  33. I mean, you have to read Three Dark Crowns because it's really good. I also meant to get to Wanderers and Dead Girls Society and Menagerie. I traded for an ARC of Menagerie (so like, a long time ago) and STILL haven't read it, so that's sad. Hope you get to read some of these ::cough:: Three Dark Crowns ::cough:: soon!

    1. I think your review might have goaded me into checking it out? Plus I started reading it at the bookstore lol and was like, yeah. This kinda rocks. I mean I want to see which queen contender I gel with, you know? I need to get it!!!

      Wanderers is one I've had waiting forever too- but Three Dark is firsties!

  34. Ha ha! Right? I was undecided on it for a while, but I'll take the plunge.

  35. Haha, I could've told you to put The Wanderers on this list :-P I also never got around to reading Menagerie even though I wanted to. And Child of a Hidden Sea looks interesting. Pretty cover. What is that on his shoulder? It looks like a ferret or a weasel or something like that.

    1. Right? I mean I've only bee talking about reading it for what... months? lol same with Menagerie. I actually forgot about it!

      I don't know what that is. :) At first I thought it was a cat! Maybe it's something native to that world? It's definitely got a long tail, whatever it is.

  36. I loved Three Dark Crowns, but haven't read the others yet either. The Wanderers sounds good, I am just listening to The Night Circus on Audible and wondering if it was similar.

    1. I don't know if it's similar or not! The Wanderers has caught my eye though in the past- and good to heat three Dark was good.

  37. Child of a Hidden Sea is still on my list to buy someday but the hc is freaking expensive and the pb unavailable here. Insert weeping. I really loved Indigo Springs, another book by this author, though.

    1. I'm not familiar with that author at all, although I think there are two books out now and the third is on the way maybe? But yeah I hate it when a book is unavailable...

  38. I haven't heard of Dead Girl's society. Interesting premise. I'll have to look into that one. Plus the Three Dark Crowns, as well.

  39. Well, you know that I definitely recommend Three Dark Crowns. Read that one soon!! I want to read Dead Girls Society ... or actually anything by Krys---I haven't gotten to her yet.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I am hoping to read Three Dark crowns next, or at least soon!!

  40. I've been meaning to read Moon Called for YEARS now so hopefully 2017 will be THE year for both of us :D Oh and Three Dark Crowns was one I wanted to get to last year too - despite some hit and miss reviews I'm still intrigued!

  41. Okay, I moved up Menagerie and Three Dark Crowns so I'll read them this year.

  42. I really need to try Vincent and Briggs! :)

  43. Dead Girls Society is another on my list for the library. Rising Tides is new to me, but I'd probably like it because it's dystopia. I hope you get a chance to read Moon Called. Love that series!

  44. Menagerie is in my audible pile and I would like to get the Dead Society too.

  45. I have been hearing a lot about Three Dark Crowns even from folks who don't usually read fantasy. I want to read that book in your list.

  46. Dead Girl Society sounds awesome! And Patricia Briggs has been on my TBR for a while now. Hope you get to these soon!

  47. I've been wanting to read Menagerie for ages! Rachel Vincent's books have been winners for me in the past, and who doesn't love a circus setting, right? :)

  48. I've been meaning to read Menagerie as well! It sounds so amazing!

  49. Three Dark Crowns is one I intended to read last year as well. (Visiting all of the Top Ten Tuesday posts reminds me of EVEN MORE books I didn't include.) *sigh* Ah, well. Guess this is what 2017 is for, right!? :)

    Thanks, as always, for being a Finding Wonderland reader and visitor.

  50. I didn't care for The Wanderers. I have seen both extremes of ratings for The Dead Girls Society and Three Dark Crowns, so I can't say anything there. Ha ha. :)
