I don't even have any idea where to start with this. The premise made me think of the movie Point Break- crazed surfers living life by their own compass. Kenna goes to Sydney to see her friend who has fallen in with a guy and a group of badass surfers- but why is Mikki different from how she used to be? She doesn't seem super enthused to have her friend there, and the vibes are off from the start.
Kenna accompanies her friend to this secret beach they hang out at, and there she meets the rest of the group. They're all pretty free spirited, and I loved how this book felt so Australian- the wildlife, the setting, the language. Eventually Kenna decides to try and infiltrate the group- fit in, so she can see what the heck is going on with Mikki.
The POV chapters are mostly from Kenna but every once in a while you get someone else's POV, and I really liked that. That other perspective really adds to this narrative, and provides some pretty wild clues throughout. It only happens rarely, so you mostly get Kenna's POV. One thing I didn't really buy was how she tried to take the group by pushing buttons, and as volatile as this group is, I think they would have shut her down. Otherwise this was such a good read- the chapters go quick and I had to keep reading. Some of the twists I did NOT see coming.
This book is a love letter to surfing as well, and sometimes with books like that you get a sense of info dumping or pushing the subject so much it can turn off a casual reader, but here I felt like the expertise of the author made the story work withour feeling heavy handed. I felt like Kenna mostly made good calls, considering the info she had- I mean, clearly she did NOT know what was happening at particular points, but with thrillers I'm often disgusted at the decisions they make. Here I felt that way maybe a few times but not excessively.
So... is this like a book version of Point Break? Sort of, but deeper too. The blurb on the rear cover says to embrace the paranoia and take the ride- I couldn't agree more.